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Upper Fair

This is the middle school and high school science fair for 7th-12th grade students. The regional fair is a feeder to the State Science Fair.


State and Local Rules: Classes of Competition

Class III – (6th)7th and 8th grades

Class IV – 9th and 10th grades

Class V – 11th and 12th grades


Upper Fair projects shall be required to submit the proper ISEF forms and additional paperwork as designated by ISEF and the SSP. Each project and its respective paperwork shall be reviewed by the regional SRC and IRB Committees before the regional Upper Fair. Each Region shall select at least one (1) project as an ISEF Finalist unless the Region decides that no projects meet the standards of an ISEF Finalist.


An ISEF Finalist shall be a Class IV or Class V (9th-12th grade) project.


Each Region will designate standards a project must meet to qualify for ISEF.


1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed projects are eligible and shall be registered for the State Science Fair by the Region Directors. The State Science and Engineering Fair of Mississippi is the state-level competition for 7th-12th grade students.


The State Fair shall be hosted by a Region Director and their host institution.

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